Saturday, October 12, 2013

Disney Magic Show and Sore eyes..

Nyx has many favorites. But his very very first favorite was Mickey Mouse and the rest of the gang. He would ran to the television each time he heard Disney Jr's "Mickey Mouse show" air when he was as young as a year old . Sometimes, I feel like he was just over acting. He even learned the dance steps as time progressed.


When I saw my high school classmate posted about discounted tickets to the "Disney Magic Show".. I had no doubt in my mind that I wanted Nyx to see this show. I convinced Erick despite the fact that we had work before and on the day of the show. It was really sort of a sacrifice on our part. So we met up with my high school classmate the day before the show. My office mate and her son tagged along with us. It was really a fun idea. However, it challenged me big time when Nyx had sore eyes the day before. He apparently caught this infection from Erick’s family house when we visited in Batangas 2 weeks ago. I didn’t realize he would still be infected after 2 weeks… My mom contradicted the idea of pushing through with the show, but I was persistent. I took the risk because Nyx was super excited and I knew it would break his heart if we won’t push through with the plan.

The tickets we got were discounted. It was originally priced at Php 1170, Upper Box Center, but we got it for Php 550 only. I really couldn't let the opportunity pass. :)

True enough, despite his condition, he was super happy. He was talking about it the entire time.. I just had him wear sun glasses the entire time.. So off we went to the show! :)

This was how he looked like. I didnt want the kids to stay away from him so he had to really wear the sunglasses. I know I shouldnt have allowed him to see the show pero the mother in me wanted to see him happy kaya I had to..

This was our tiis-ganda shot.. It was super hot then @ 2pm. 

The show started at 3 PM sharp. We let ourselves in the venue around 2 PM. We had to surrender our digital camera because cameras are not allowed inside. Oh well.. they allowed camera phones inside the venue so I don't really see the logic behind it. Anyway, these were taken before the show started. :)

Still looked so adorable! 
Another mandatory shot with mommy. :)
With his Tatay Erick. :)
The venue
Obligatory shot with Tatay Erick!

We were seated in Upper Box Center. Nyx was still able to enjoy the show despite his proximity to the stage. Seeing him smile the way he did brought me a different kind of happiness. :) I just hope we didnt infect anyone with his sore eyes.

This was how his eyes looked like. I removed the sunglasses when the show started.

He was laid back and he was enjoying the show. I didn't think the show was good.. but then on second thought, I realized it was meant for kids... so I shouldn't be criticizing the show because the kids looked like they were enjoying it naman. :)

Cham , my friend, and his son came in just in time for the show. They arrived after 3 PM but they didn't really miss anything. I had their tickets with me so Erick had to meet them over at the entrance for the tickets. Her son looked so bored to death.. maybe because he's already 6 years old and he now has different interests compared with my 3-year old son. :)

Here are our shots after the show. :)

Overall, Nyx liked it. So no regrets!

I will do anything for you, son!I just hope tomorrow you'll be ok na..
Today is his 9th day with sore eyes...
I had him checked by 2 eye doctors and one pediatrician na..
He was prescribed 3 different sets of medicines na..
This last one has steroids and I think its working well with him..
The doctor said there was formation of membrane in his upper eyelid which prolongs the infection..
So we had the doctor removed it yesterday in his clinic..
It was such a pain..
While doing the procedure, I was crying.. sobbing.. crying..
I couldnt help it..
Last night, I caught the infection too..
Both my eyes are sore now..
In a way, Im ok with it..
It only means I can take care of Nyx round the clock now..
Please help me pray for his recovery..
Thank you everyone!

Good Night! :)

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