Monday, October 14, 2013

Letting go...

I slept at around 6 PM and woke up at 12 midnight. Time check - 5:06 AM. 

I can't sleep yet.. 
or maybe..
I just don't wanna sleep yet.

Is there ever a point in your life when you feel overly emotional and sensitive about all things? including the littlest things? 

I'd like to believe I'm still normal.. so I hope I am not the only girl who goes through this phase. 

I just wish men start to realize that women have hormones they don't have. So we get emotional and sensitive about almost all things. When we do, all it takes is a hug or a kiss to take the frown away. An argument is the last thing we need. :/

Anyway, I came across these quotes. 

Happiness is a choice. People come and go and everything happens for a reason. It's your choice if you want to dwell over the bad vibes. Its also a choice to smile and just move on. :) It's better to be happy.. just count all the blessings in your life and don't focus on the negative energies. :)

Life is too short to be anything but happy. So let's all create our own brand of happiness and live with it. :)

So to end this post, I also wanna share this note: 

True!! :)

Good Morning! :)

1 comment:

Bing said...

No one can help the self but the self itself. Indeed happiness is a choice so it is up to us how we veer towards something that will make us a better person.:)