Sunday, October 13, 2013

Summer Class at Ruther E. Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc.

Nyx attended his summer class at REESMI. My decision to send him in this school was because his Ninang teaches there. Since its his first time to attend schooling, I opted for this school. Its also a good practice to research on the method of teaching a school applies so we would know how our child would fair. According to what I have read, multiple intelligence method does not only focus on academics. It also drives a child to tap on his talents in their road to self-discovery. You can read more about it here.

Since its Nyx's first time to attend school, I wanted him to develop his socialization skills first. Academics will soon follow. I wanted him to develop confidence in interacting with kids of his age and I wanted him to have a feel of how school is like. You may read about my post about his First day in Summer class here.

I think this is one of the best decisions I have made in life. Nyx showed a lot of improvement socially. He also perceived schooling positively. He never cried when he attended this summer class. The teachers were very nice and accommodating. Everything was systematic. I paid Php 5000 for this summer class and it was so worth it!

Towards the end of the summer class, the teachers and the students started preparing for a dance and song numbers to be presented in front of the parents. This was held at SM Bacoor, with all the lights and sounds. The students and their talents were shown in the lime light. I was a very proud parent. 

This was how the stage looked like:

And this is my adorable kid on stage.

I wanna share with you some pictures of my son while he was dancing in the tune of Fireworks, Little Sunny Water, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Happiness, Hokey Pokey and Gwiyomi Song. :) He participated so well compared with the other kids. He enjoyed being on stage. He was enjoying the performance as we applauded and cheered them up. Whenever we go to SM Bacoor, he would always ask me when he'd dance again on that stage. I must be raising a future star. :) 

Nyx on red checkered polo shirt, board shorts, yellow shades and printed hat. 
Theme: Summer attire

I wish I can upload the videos here. But I don't know how yet. As soon as I figured out how, I will definitely share them here so Nyx can watch himself dance like he did here in the future! :)

I strongly recommend this school. This school year, due to financial constraints, despite the greatness of the school, we tried out a cheaper school, Erica Learning School, since it's just near our place. It utilizes traditional method of teaching. Nyx was culture-shocked in a way. He was asking me when he'll sing and dance again his favorite songs at REESMI. He kept telling me he wanted to go back to his summer class school. I had to explain he needs to finish one complete school year at Erica Learning Center. Another reason why I chose ELC over REESMI was because it is only a 5-minute walk to our house, whereas, REESMI is 2 rides away from our place. I have to really think hard on where Nyx will study next school year. I also need to save hard, I guess. :)

I will write more about Erica Learning Center on a separate post. :)

Thumbs up to Ruther E. Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc.!

Ruther E.  Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc. 
#354 Gen. Tirona Hi-way
You may like their Facebook page here. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of what Nyx has become after this summer. I am happy to be a part of all his milestones! I will always be here for you Nyx! Mwah mwah! Ninang loves you so much. :-) thank you Jen for letting REESMII be a part of our dear Nyx's firsts!! Mwah!