Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy 10th Birthday, Nyx!!!

I cant believe it's been over 5 years since I last visited this blog. And more than 9000 hits?! Seriously?!

The only reason why I created this blog was to document my journey with Nyx as a single parent... Then a year later, someone came and changed our lives forever. Erickson and I are on our 8th year as partners - its been bitter and sweet at the same time but we're enjoying the bittersweet moments together I guess. 

So Nyx has grown... Happy 10th birthday, Nyx. We love you!!! 

And meet our 2 year-old little princess... 

Which makes us a loving family of 4...

To more memories to share in this journal. 


Monday, August 4, 2014

Mid-life crisis

According to Wikipedia, individuals experiencing a midlife crisis have some of these feelings:
  • search of an undefined dream or goal
  • a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished
  • a fear of humiliation among more successful colleagues
  • desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness
  • need to spend more time alone or with certain peers

Why am I even writing about this? I am not so sure too.. Let me help myself figure this out. 
This past few days, I have been feeling a little restless. I get upset easily, I think of so many things and I feel bad that those thoughts do not materialize. I was thinking  of baking something all weekend, then when I was about to bake it, I just felt so bad counting in a lot of other factors why I couldn't bake when in fact those little things could easily be addressed. I easily get irritated and I feel so bad about myself and the people around me. 

This is not the first time I am writing about this. I guess I have said it more than once in this blog - I have always been an achiever. All my life, I aim for something and I work hard for it. I can only name few things that I give up on. I gave up on playing guitars because I felt my fingers are too short and I can maybe try other musical instruments. I gave up on that too. I gave up on singing and I gave up on a lot of things. As I am writing this, I am starting to realize that more than being an achiever, I am also a quitter. I guess I can start feeling better when I begin to acknowledge the fact that I am not really an achiever. Sigh. I imagined myself to be this kind of person only to find out I'm not even close to the person I imagined myself to be. I guess the acceptance that this is where my life led me is the first step towards overcoming my mid-life crisis. 

Writing about this is not easy for me. I know no one reads my blog religiously (not even my boyfriend) so I think that makes me a little bit more confident to write about how I feel. This is seriously affecting all aspects of my life and it yields inefficiency and ineffectiveness. This is a very lengthy post so if there's one soul out there reading this post, excuse my post. You can stop right here if you need to. 

I challenge myself to discuss mid life crisis as per Wikipedia bullet per bullet. 

  • Search of an undefined dream or goal
    • I was not the type who dreamt of something really big. All I wanted was to be rich and have a happy family of my own. I was not like my friends at that time bragging about their dreams - on becoming a doctor, lawyer, nurse, accountant, architect, engineer etc. I didnt have those kinds of dreams. When I studied in Baguio, I didnt even know what course I was applying for. I was given 2 options then since all other courses ran out of slots, My options were Economics and Social Anthropology. I didnt know what the latter was so ofcourse I chose the Economics. Thats where my college life begins. After graduation, I didnt even know where to apply. I wasnt so passionate about researches and politics, so I of course didnt go that route. And that's where my post college life began. Define uncertainty. Now that I am pondering on so many things about my life, I start to think of a lot of things I wish I pursued in my college years. I know I'll make a good doctor, a good nurse, teacher perhaps, accountant, engineer or even an architect. Had I known what I wanted to be when I get older, I guess things would be a lot different from what it is. 

This post is getting a little sadder and I get even more frustrated as I type.. I would need to finish this up later. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

An Open Letter of a Single Mom who loved and again, got hurt.

I wanna first thank you for coming in my life. Yes, you saved me in a lot of ways. And I am so grateful for that. I would just like to remind you that when you came in my life, I was not NOTHING. I was in the process of rebuilding my life and I had very high hopes that I was almost whole. I was working 2 jobs then, so I can pay for my brother's tuition without asking money from anyone. I was OK. So please, you shouldn't have said that.. It plays in my head all over again and it hurts me each time..  "You were nothing before I met you. "

I know you made a lot of sacrifices. I would just like to remind you once more that before we even became together, I remember telling you that being with me would mean being a father figure to my son and bearing with a girlfriend who is a SOLE breadwinner to her family. I specifically told you that you can never be my priority. You agreed. You even took that opportunity to tell me that you're willing to live a life like that for as long as we are together. To me, you were my knight and shining armor. But after hearing all those mean words from you, everything flashed right in front of my face.. Its clear to me now.. I should never find convenience in being with someone because being in a relationship, especially if you're a single mother, does not necessarily equate to having a partner in life. Never ever expect that person to assume the responsibility of healing all the wounds your past have caused you. Its an illusion that would never materialize not even in your wildest dreams. People are pretentious. Besides, I have always been an advocate of the thought that nothing really lasts forever. So I should have known better.

I am very grateful for so many things that happened in my life when I was with you. You taught me a lot of things and I will forever be thankful. I remember being ecstatic when you first agreed to move in my house so it wouldn't be hard for me to manage time and toggle between being your girlfriend and being a mother to Nyx. We became closer and we became happier. We got to know each other better and despite the imperfections, we decided to be with each other. I was even happier when you got to introduce Nyx and I to your family and I didn't feel any type of disapproval from them. As we would always say, our lives together have always been sheltered. We hadn't encountered any major problems in our lives like those I had with my past relationship. Money was never an issue coz you've always been so giving. You have always been so generous to both our families. You asked me stop working double then because you promised to help me in my responsibilities. You were very persistent to stop me from working 2nd job. I was very grateful and we started saving up from our combined earnings. I felt like saving with someone who shares the same goals you have is a breeze. This was something new to me since I never had the chance to save since I was always living paycheck to paycheck. We know for a fact that before you actually moved in my house, you had nothing. You've used up all your savings and we made a mutual decision to start over again. With or without money, I was willing to spend a lifetime with you. Without knowing that all this time, you were taking it wrongly. I acknowledge that you bought me so many things I told you I wouldve bought if only I could, since you were so generous to me and to everyone else, to date.. you have done so much that changed our way of living. We managed to have my room and comfort room renovated, purchased flat screen TV, digital camera, cell phone, laptop, air condition and a lot of small things that you knew would make me happy. You were someone any girl would wish to have. I would just like to mention though that since were sharing money, and I earn more that you do, its safe to say that not all the money came from you. I understand you received separation pay last year and it helped us big time but I dont think it would be enough for you to earn the right to belittle who I am. 

I can remember so clearly how you pointed fingers at me, cursing me and asking me to return all those material things you bought for me. You were shouting your heart out as if I was never your partner.  You said all the meanest words you could think of at that very moment and it was as if I never really knew that side of you. That was a part of you you haven't really introduced to me. It couldve been OK if we were in a different setting, say, if we were in our private room or anywhere else private. This wouldve been  less painful. But you know what hurts me the most?! The worst part is you were shouting to me like a mad man infront of my 4-year old son. You were doing all this and I could see him stopping you. I remained silent and I tried to calm you but to no avail, just when I was about to leave, you threw all my ATM cards all over the floor. I was there picking it all up, sobbing, while my son was there trying to console me. He was so mad at you that he said to me, if only he was a little bigger, he could've done something for you to stop humiliating me. You embarrassed me as if I were someone you never really loved before. Not to mention that you were doing all these in a public place where everyone else was just watching. Who knows if someone was taking videos of what you did and we could be all over the net. 

No one has ever earned the right to treat me like that. I was never dependent on you or to anyone for that matter. I work my ass off for my son and family. I graduated in a reputable university and I dont and never will ever deserve that treatment. You couldve just kept silent and embraced me and things wouldve turned out so differently. But thanks to the situation, I got to know you more. As of this writing, I have packed all your things and I am so ready to send this to you anytime. Thank you for the 23 wonderful months of bliss. You have lost the respect you had for me, and what that happens, I have always said this, there is no more reason to continue with the relationship. 

I am still mad and upset while I am writing this, I dont wanna close my doors coz my friend is right, you have done all the good things and you deserve ONE chance. Everybody deserves a chance. It might take months or even years for the wound to heal, I dont know. One thing I know for sure is Im doing all this for my son. he doesnt deserve to see ANYONE disrespect me as a person and as a woman. 

I am a single mother and I am hoping whatever decision I make, I hope to  make the right decison for my son's benefit. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

On getting Solo Parent ID in Bacoor Cavite

I didnt expect it to be easy.. 
It took me less than 30 minutes to complete the transaction. 
And I regret that I procastinated and waited 3 years before I actually secure my own SOLO PARENT ID. 

I walked in the gate of DSWD in Bacoor Cavite and I was greeted by their friendly staff. I informed them of my reason of being there and was handed a form to fill out. I went there with my complete set of requirements namely:
  • Certificate of Employment
  • Barangay Certificate
  • 2 copies of 1x1 ID picture
  • ITR
  • Valid ID
I filled out the form and was about to leave when I was told to wait in queue for my ID. I was in shock when I learned that I would get it right away. I re-confirmed and was given an affirmative response. I thought it would be a lot more complicated given that I heard a lot of feedback from those who secured their solo parent IDs from Las Pinas that I would need to go thru a tedious process given the interviews, back ground checks and other requirements. I remember being casually asked of what happened and I responded informally while I was filling out the form. I don't claim that it would be as easy as this in all municipalities, I would just like to share my experience on how I got mine in Bacoor Cavite. It was a breeze and I am now enjoying additional 7 leaves in our company. 

So, if you are from Cavite and if you satisfy all requirements described in my last post, feel free to drop by DSWD and secure your own Solo Parent ID. It would definitely help us big time especially if you belong in the working class. :)

Here's how it looks: 

So get yours now and enjoy the benefits! :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Letting go...

I slept at around 6 PM and woke up at 12 midnight. Time check - 5:06 AM. 

I can't sleep yet.. 
or maybe..
I just don't wanna sleep yet.

Is there ever a point in your life when you feel overly emotional and sensitive about all things? including the littlest things? 

I'd like to believe I'm still normal.. so I hope I am not the only girl who goes through this phase. 

I just wish men start to realize that women have hormones they don't have. So we get emotional and sensitive about almost all things. When we do, all it takes is a hug or a kiss to take the frown away. An argument is the last thing we need. :/

Anyway, I came across these quotes. 

Happiness is a choice. People come and go and everything happens for a reason. It's your choice if you want to dwell over the bad vibes. Its also a choice to smile and just move on. :) It's better to be happy.. just count all the blessings in your life and don't focus on the negative energies. :)

Life is too short to be anything but happy. So let's all create our own brand of happiness and live with it. :)

So to end this post, I also wanna share this note: 

True!! :)

Good Morning! :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Apply for Solo Parent ID?

Being a solo parent, it would really help me big time if I secure a Solo Parent ID. This is being recognized in work places and my company is no exception to this. So even if I work in a call center, speaking with American consumers, our company is still mandated by law to let solo parents avail of this benefit. This would mean 7 additional leaves in one calendar year. 

I plan on visiting our municipal hall this week. So, since I am also searching on how to avail it, I'd like to share them with you too. :)

This is what I got from the website. Its comprehensive and it gives all information you may need. 

Who is considered as a “solo parent”?
A “solo parent” (pursuant to Republic Act No. 8972, also known as the “Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000″) is any individual who falls under any of the following categories:
(1) A woman who gives birth as a result of rape and other crimes against chastity even without a final conviction of the offender: Provided, That the mother keeps and raises the child;
(2) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to death of spouse;
(3) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood while the spouse is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one (1) year;
(4) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public medical practitioner;
(5) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to legal separation or de facto separation from spouse for at least one (1) year, as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children;
(6) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or by a church as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children;
(7) Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) year;
(8) Unmarried mother/father who has preferred to keep and rear her/his child/children instead of having others care for them or give them up to a welfare institution;
(9) Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a child or children;
(10) Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family as a result of the death, abandonment, disappearance or prolonged absence of the parents or solo parent.
A change in the status or circumstance of the parent claiming benefits under Republic Act No. 8972, such that he/she is no longer left alone with the responsibility of parenthood, shall terminate his/her eligibility for these benefits.
Who are considered as “children”?
“Children” refer to those living with and dependent upon the solo parent for support who are unmarried, unemployed and not more than eighteen (18) years of age, or even over eighteen (18) years but are incapable of self-support because of mental and/or physical defect/disability.
What is “parental responsibility”?
With respect to minor children, it refers to the rights and duties of the parents as defined in Article 220 of Executive Order No. 209 (also known as the “Family Code of the Philippines“). Article 220 provides that the parents and those exercising parental authority shall have, with the respect to their unemancipated children on wards, the following rights and duties:
(1) To keep them in their company, to support, educate and instruct them by right precept and good example, and to provide for their upbringing in keeping with their means;
(2) To give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding;
(3) To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance, inculcate in them honesty, integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in civic affairs, and inspire in them compliance with the duties of citizenship;
(4) To furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise their activities, recreation and association with others, protect them from bad company, and prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental to their health, studies and morals;
(5) To represent them in all matters affecting their interests;
(6) To demand from them respect and obedience;
(7) To impose discipline on them as may be required under the circumstances; and
(8) To perform such other duties as are imposed by law upon parents and guardians.
What are the employment-related benefits available to ALL “solo parents”?
Flexible work schedule. This refers to the right of a solo parent employee to vary his/her arrival and departure time without affecting the core work hours as defined by the employer. The employer shall provide for a flexible working schedule for solo parents, as long as it shall not affect individual and company productivity. In case of certain meritorious grounds, the employer may request exemption from DOLE.
No work discrimination. Employer are prohibited from discriminating against any solo parent employee with respect to terms and conditions of employment on account of his/her status.
Parental leave. “Parental leave” means leave benefits granted to a solo parent to enable him/her to perform parental duties and responsibilities where physical presence is required. In addition to leave privileges under existing laws, parental leave of not more than seven (7) working days every year shall be granted to any solo parent employee who has rendered service of at least one (1) year.
What other benefits are available to “solo parents”?
Subject to income thresholds (“poverty threshold”) set by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and subject to the assessment of the DSWD worker in the area, “solo parents” shall be entitled to the following:
Educational benefits, including scholarship programs for qualified solo parents and their children in institutions of basic, tertiary and technical/skills education, and nonformal education programs appropriate for solo parents and their children.
Housing benefits, including allocation in government low-cost housing projects, with liberal terms of payment.
Medical assistance, with comprehensive health care programs for solo parents and their children to be implemented by the DOH through their retained hospitals and medical centers and the local government units (LGUs) through their provincial/district/city/municipal hospitals and rural health units (RHUs).

How to apply for a Solo Parent ID

1. The solo parent-applicants shall bring the ff.:
    · Barangay certification certifying Solo Parent’s residency in the barangay for the last six months
    · Affidavit of circumstance stating the reason for becoming a solo parent (Note: Some LGUs may require only basic documents hence it is advisable to call the C/MSWDO first to check the required documents).
    · Certificates e.g., birth certificates of children, death certificate of spouse and other appropriate documentary support
    · Income tax return or any document that will establish the income level of the solo parent
    2. The social worker receives and ensures that all documents are complete and registers the applications with an appropriate case number in the log-book Registry of Solo Parents.
      3. 3. The SP ID shall bear the following information:
      · ID number, name, date of birth, sex, address and income
      · Income Classification A and B e.g., A for above poverty line and B below poverty line
      · Names of the family members, their dates of birth and relationship with the bearer
      · For revalidation purposes, the ID shall indicate specific years and space for signatures/initials of the validating officer
      · Size of the SP ID should not be more than 2 x 3.5 inches.
      4. 4. The SP IDs shall be issued 30 days after filing of applications.
      5 5. The SP ID card is valid for one year and renewable every year, subject to reassessment and re-evaluation by the social worker. In some instances, some LGUs indicate a three (3) year period, which will be signed/initialled by the social worker when revalidated.
      6. 6. The C/MSWDO shall be responsible in the printing of the SP IDs. Proper control on the issuance of such shall be undertaken by C/MSWDO. If SP IDs are not immediately available for issuance after intake/assessment interview, the social worker shall issue a certificate of eligibility.
      7. 7. SP IDs shall be surrendered to the C/MSWDO when the solo parents transfer residence in another area. As transferees from another barangay, the solo parents shall secure a certification from the new barangay attesting whether or not they have already availed of SP services.
      8. 8. The availment of the seven days parental leave, in addition to the regular leave privileges provided by government agencies and private corporations is the right of every qualified solo parent. Solo parents may directly apply for parental leave with their employers, provided a valid SP ID is presented.
      For more information, please visit your Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office in your locality. Solo parents may also post their queries on DSWD DOS or email at or call (078) 846-7043.
      You can find all this information in this website.

      Baguio City - Cheap Accommodation.

      This is one of the few series I'll be doing about our Baguio trip last May. We spent 5 days there and its one of the best vacations we've ever had. The nicest thing about it was we were with Nyx. It was Nyx's first time to see Baguio and I wanted him to see all the beautiful places and people of Baguio. One thing that stopped us from doing that was the weather. It was rainy then.. But I noticed the trend.. It rained during afternoons only... So we spent time touring the city before lunch. We leave the house as early as 6 AM and get back home when it starts to rain. Anyway, this was anticipated. Since weather in Baguio is generally rainy. I should know, since I spent a year there when I was still on my freshman year in college. :)

      I haven't tried staying at a hotel there whenever we visit there for vacation. Hotel accommodations range from Php 1000 - 4000 per night. I don't have that money to spend on travel expenses plus I enjoy my Baguio trips as much as hotel-lodgers do. So I just got used to staying in transients. I stay along Engineer's hill drive (either lower or upper) since it's just located at the back of Victory Liner terminal. Aside from it's affordable rates, it's also very accessible to some local tourist spots like Burn ham Park, Session Road and SM Baguio. 

      Its the road just behind my 2 boys. :)

      Super lapit diba? It's walking distance so it saves a lot on transportation expenses. :)

      We stayed in the same transient Erick and I usually stays. Its very cheap @ Php 300 per night. Nyx's accommodation was of course free of charge. I highly recommend this to people who are not too "maarte" when it comes to lodging. All we needed was a television, clean rest room and clean room. And this transient house met our criteria.  Here's how it looked like: 

      This was the room, with one cabinet.

      Our kitchen area.

      Restroom :) not so nice pero atleast its clean. :)
      Very spacious living room area. (TV and sala set not shown in this photo, on far right corner)

      Dining area. :)

      Family picture taken in the living room. :)
      Nyx staring at the window. :)
      It was very homey. It felt like we were just home. Since we stayed there for 5 days, we had to save up on food so I cooked our meal most of the time. Just across the street, there were "talipapas", sari sari stores and "ihawans" where we can get practically everything we needed. It was really convenient for us. The only difficult part was we were on the 4th floor, rooftop. We chose to occupy this area since its most peaceful here plus we didn't have to share it with other occupants. :) This place was really convenient for us. :)

      I know some may not like the place, but for those travelling in groups and would wish to save money, you may try out the place. You can go to Baguio for a little over Php 3000 including travel expenses. :)

      If you want to know more about the place, just ask me. :)

      Related post: Baguio - on the road.

      Summer Class at Ruther E. Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc.

      Nyx attended his summer class at REESMI. My decision to send him in this school was because his Ninang teaches there. Since its his first time to attend schooling, I opted for this school. Its also a good practice to research on the method of teaching a school applies so we would know how our child would fair. According to what I have read, multiple intelligence method does not only focus on academics. It also drives a child to tap on his talents in their road to self-discovery. You can read more about it here.

      Since its Nyx's first time to attend school, I wanted him to develop his socialization skills first. Academics will soon follow. I wanted him to develop confidence in interacting with kids of his age and I wanted him to have a feel of how school is like. You may read about my post about his First day in Summer class here.

      I think this is one of the best decisions I have made in life. Nyx showed a lot of improvement socially. He also perceived schooling positively. He never cried when he attended this summer class. The teachers were very nice and accommodating. Everything was systematic. I paid Php 5000 for this summer class and it was so worth it!

      Towards the end of the summer class, the teachers and the students started preparing for a dance and song numbers to be presented in front of the parents. This was held at SM Bacoor, with all the lights and sounds. The students and their talents were shown in the lime light. I was a very proud parent. 

      This was how the stage looked like:

      And this is my adorable kid on stage.

      I wanna share with you some pictures of my son while he was dancing in the tune of Fireworks, Little Sunny Water, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Happiness, Hokey Pokey and Gwiyomi Song. :) He participated so well compared with the other kids. He enjoyed being on stage. He was enjoying the performance as we applauded and cheered them up. Whenever we go to SM Bacoor, he would always ask me when he'd dance again on that stage. I must be raising a future star. :) 

      Nyx on red checkered polo shirt, board shorts, yellow shades and printed hat. 
      Theme: Summer attire

      I wish I can upload the videos here. But I don't know how yet. As soon as I figured out how, I will definitely share them here so Nyx can watch himself dance like he did here in the future! :)

      I strongly recommend this school. This school year, due to financial constraints, despite the greatness of the school, we tried out a cheaper school, Erica Learning School, since it's just near our place. It utilizes traditional method of teaching. Nyx was culture-shocked in a way. He was asking me when he'll sing and dance again his favorite songs at REESMI. He kept telling me he wanted to go back to his summer class school. I had to explain he needs to finish one complete school year at Erica Learning Center. Another reason why I chose ELC over REESMI was because it is only a 5-minute walk to our house, whereas, REESMI is 2 rides away from our place. I have to really think hard on where Nyx will study next school year. I also need to save hard, I guess. :)

      I will write more about Erica Learning Center on a separate post. :)

      Thumbs up to Ruther E. Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc.!

      Ruther E.  Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc. 
      #354 Gen. Tirona Hi-way
      You may like their Facebook page here. :)

      First Yakimix Experience! :)

      Erick and I are not usually fond of buffets. We are not usually in to trying new foods. But I guess its about time that we try something different. Last week, we were invited to hold our team mini reunion at Yakimix, Alabang Town Center. It has a unique variety of Japanese cuisines which offers buffet and fine dining at a relatively affordable price. You may also check out their menu here

      Lunch buffet starts at 11 AM and ends at 3 PM. We were there ahead of time for reservation. Since its usually crowded, its best if you come in before 11 AM. We got there around 10 AM and I was shocked when I saw the long queue. 

      We waited for our name to be called and from then on, everything went on smoothly. Customer service was great and the ambiance looked so posh and light. It just so happened that the burner where we were seated was defective so we have to call the crew each time we needed to grill. It was a hassle in a way, but since the crews looked so accommodating, we didn't mind. :)

      This was how the buffet looked like:

      There were like 4 rows of cuisines ranging from meats, Japanese foods, dessert, some known Filipino foods like Crispy Pata, chopsuey, veggies, sea foods and the like. Cake was from Red Ribbon and Ice cream was from Nestle. I didn't enjoy the main courses as much as my friends did, but I super made sure I'd take in as much sweets as I could. It was like being in a food paradise. For someone who loves Japanese food, it was superb. I can tell by the looks of my friend's faces. :) Here's how their plates looked like: 

      I enjoyed the grilling part. I tried all sorts of meat available. :)

      And to here's the part I enjoyed the most. 

      Yes, I tried all of it! :)

      This was a happy place for me. I guess you can bring me anywhere with lots of sweets and I'd approve it. I am not really a good food critic since I don't eat all types of food. I am picky and choosy in a way. :)

      We paid for Php 735 each, with unlimited drinks. We were offered their privilege card for Php 600 + and was given 10% discount since we charged it on my friend's credit card. They are offering 15% discount if you pay for cash. :) I am not sure of their price ranges but you can check it out here.

      By the way, we initially placed a reservation for 12 persons. So we reserved 3 tables. 3 of our friends did not arrive as planned so we ended up as 9 persons.I was so worried because they billed us good for 12 persons. I thought we would need to argue with the manager but was surprised because they just reprinted the receipt with our desired head count. I was amazed and I honestly didn't expect that. Great customer service indeed! :)

      Overall, it was a happy experience. I would definitely recommend this place. And I will maybe try other buffets more often. Here's a look of our happy faces:

      It was super fun! Lots of chikahan with amazing food experience! :)

      Yakimix, Alabang Town Center 

      Opening Hours: 11 AM- 3 PM Lunch Buffet (Mon-Sun)6 PM - 11 PM Dinner Buffet (Mon- Thur)530 PM - 11 PM Dinner Buffet (Fri - Sun)