Thursday, June 6, 2013

Milestone: First day in Summer Class

Hi Anak!

Today is your first day in summer school. Mommy and Tatay Erick came with you on this very important day. I can’t tell you how excited I am. I was nervous and thrilled at the same time kasi I know you too well whenever you’re around kids of your age. Of course i trust that you‘d adjust in a breeze. If things didn’t turn out perfect, it’s totally ok with mommy. I always say that I’ll let you commit mistakes so you can learn from it. Ganyan talaga ang buhay anak. I’ll support you whatever happens. I’ll be here for you always. Tandaan mo yan.

Anyway, let me tell you how it went:

We woke up around 6am then we started preparing around 630 am. Your class starts at 830am nga pla. Tatay started preparing your breakfast while i was busy fixing your things. You knew you were going to school but I’m sure you had no idea what it would be like. Your theme on this day was cars. i know you liked angry birds better pero it looked so cheap kaya we chose cars. Forgive me for making decisions for you. Understand that i can only do this while i still can..
We were all ready around 8am. at this time, we headed to your Ninang Iza‘s house... kasabay natin sya pumasok.. We reached your school around 8 din.. their time..  (kasi anak late ng 15 minutes ang official time nila! J) the guard and teachers let us in your room na.. there were around 5 kids na wen we came.. lahat sila tahimik.. some were still yawning.. kaw lang ang energetic anak.. we took some pictures then they handed you a toy.. Ken,your classmate, was the first person who talked to you.. he helped you with the toy you were given.. then 830am..Your teacher came.. i was somehow relieved when i learned that Ninang Iza was assigned to you.. d din nya alam un.. nun na lng.. Teacher Carla was there too.. Teacher mo silang dalawa.. You started that class with a prayer.

 Anak,ikaw talaga ang pinakahyper sa lahat! While everyone else was seated, you kept running around... your Ninang Iza was like nursing you na...  After the prayer, your names were called.. You were not paying attention din just like the other kids.. kasi nga you were busy running around.. ang happy lang ng peg mo.. I was teary-eyed nga kasi I’m glad to witness another milestone in your life.. After the introduction.. the music played and you started dancing.. eto na talaga.. I was holding back the tears.. you were so jolly.. you were following instructions din.. you were the most adorable amongst them.. then after dancing.. at this point.. We were asked to wait outside na lang. All parents were asked to leave the classroom.. That 10 minutes we were allowed inside to watch you was the proudest moment of my life.. Alam ko madami pang proud moments na darating.. So far.. eto na yung superlative.. :)

I was a bit anxious to leave.. I knew you‘d cry.. pero alam mo ba anak.. You didnt cry.. at first, upon you hearing your teachers bid goodbye to the parents.. you ran to me and hugged me too tight.. you didnt wanna let go.. pero when your teacher grabbed your hands and lead you back to your seat.. you just simply sat down and that’s when i saw an opportunity to exit.. Tatay Erick and I were waiting outside.. I was actually waiting for your teachers to call me outside since i was expecting you to have tantrums.. Surprisingly, d ako pinatawag anak.. We just waited outside.. I thought you‘d come out for snacks.. di pala.. So we waited till 11.. I was so eager to know how you were doing inside so from time to time.. I was eavesdropping.. I heard you laugh.. also.. ngyayaya ka na lumabas.. pero the 4 teachers you have didn’t let you out.. Despite that.. I didn’t hear you cry.. i was so proud of you baby.

Come dismissal time.. I couldn’t wait to hear from your Ninang Iza.. I was excited for feedback..
Sabi nya.. 2 lang kayo ng classmate mo ang nakapagidentify ng alphabet.. You were also good in socialization. You didn’t disobey mommy.. You shared your baon to your classmates... and most important of all.. wala kang inaway..I was praying talaga that you don’t cause trouble sa class mo.. and I’m so relieved you didn’t.

As per your teacher.. di ka pa daw nakakapag-focus.. You always want to get what you want.. Normal lang naman daw un.. Hopefully in the coming days, you’d learn to follow instructions na.. I know you’re very persistent pero I’m sure you’d learn and improve in this summer class..

Anak, I’ll try my best n0t to pressure you... I know you’re  too young for that.. i just want you to develop your personality.. and improve your socialization skills.. pag may natutunan ka outside that.. Bonus na lng un samen ni tatay...
I love you so much and ill support u whatever happens...!

Since i was happy with how your first day in school went.. we went to Sm after class then we ate at Jollibee as per your request.. we allowed you to play your favourite games then we headed home na..

Anak, you did very good on ur first day in school.. Tatay and I are super proud of you.. You surpassed our expectations! Thank you for bringing joy to our lives..!


Mommy Jhen


Anonymous said...

I was teary eyed while reading althroughout! Lol drama mo! Hahaha -Ninang Beautiful (iza)

Anonymous said...

Only sa anonymous that i can comment without signing anything! Lol