Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Flu, Flu.. Go Away!

Yeah right! I want this flu to go away. I havent been feeling OK since last weekend and I feel bad that everything is being affected. Partly the reason why I opted to go with Erick in Batangas was because I dont want my son to catch this flu. I have clogged nose and since my work is all about talking, its kinda hard for me to converse with my customers. What makes it worse is it turns them irate sometimes! :(

I just wish I'll be ok tomorrow.

Erick aint feeling good din.

I miss Nyx a lot..

We just literally slept in Batangas. I cooked for our lunch, washed the dishes, changed clothes then headed off to dreamland.

We woke up a bit late than planned kasi nga we werent feeling good.

Atleast, I came in at work on time.

I have to have lesser contact with Nyx kasi its harder kung mahahawa sya.. he has the tendency to develop an asthma kasi when he has cough and colds. So, I have to be more careful.

Tomorrow will be a better day!
Take care everyone! ☺

Note to self: Try not to smoke today. Ok?!

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