Monday, February 11, 2013

Things I would have done had I known..

Had I known that I wouldn’t be able to pursue Law, I would have chosen a more in-demand course in UP…

Had I known that it feels so good when you travel, that it’s not as pricey as I think it was, I would have chosen travelling over gambling. I have wasted my time, money and youth over the years when I could have enjoyed it in travelling locally and overseas...

Had I known that I’ll be stuck in a call centre, I would have accepted administrative jobs before I even shifted to this industry to somehow give me an idea on how it feels to have a normal job – something related to my course and experience when I was doing my Practicum..

Had I known that March 11th 2011 would be the last day I’d see the father of my son, I would have taken a lot of pictures of him with Nyx so I have a lot to show Nyx when he starts asking questions about his dad. Also, I would have asked him why he planned on leaving us for good. I would have said “Sorry” too for all the pains I’ve caused him. I wish him all the goodness in life. I’m glad that I have Nyx now. I would never trade it for anything.. I just wish and hope he has found his own happiness too.

No more bitterness. I have moved on and I am definitely happy now with Erick and I’m so glad Erick came in my life at just the right time.

Had I known that I’d gain this much weight after giving birth, I would have controlled my diet ever since.. (baka sakaling di ako ganito kalaki kung ginawa ko un dati pa.. )
Had I known that my dad would be laid off from work even before my siblings would graduate, I would have meddled in their finances na even before pa… baka sakaling may natira pa sa separation pay nya at hindi sa akin nakasalalay ang lahat (I’m not complaining, just ranting! Hehe ).. :p

Had I known that my future partner would hate smoking as much as he does now, I would not have tried smoking. Period.

Had I known that sooner or later, I would need to send my brother to college, I would not have postponed it. Sana ginawa ko na 3 years ago pa. Ganon din naman. Ako din pala magpapa-aral sa kanya.

Had I known that I’ll be with Erick din naman pala, I would have pursued him 3 years ago when we were still working in the same company. Sana di na ko dumaan kung kani-kanino pa. He was single for 4 years, I guess. He was just waiting for me siguro.

On second thought, naisip ko.. edi sana wala si Nyx.. kaya OK na din siguro that he came at just the right time.

I’m not regretting anything because every little thing that happened in my life made me the person I am now.

I am the strongest woman I know.

When Nyx came in my life, I never thought I can be as strong as I am now.

I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now if not for those mistakes. I’ll just try to make wiser decisions moving forward. I’ll try to be a better partner to Erick, a better mother to Nyx and a better person in general.

God is good to me and to my family and I feel so blessed for having Erick and Nyx in my life.


sherene said...

First I would like to thank you for spending your precious time commenting on my blog, and what a bonus u followed me:) I will definitely stalk u from now on:)
I love ur blog, so true and so inspiring.

Unknown said...

Everything happens for a reason... And there's always a lesson that we will learn after it.

I wish you well! :D

sherene said...

By the way, yes I am from Ilocos and just tell me when are u coming so I can look for somebody who will tour u around. But I am free why not me:)

sherene said...

I mean if I am free when you come, I will do the pleasure.

Nyx&Lia said...

Thank you so much! :) I'll let you know once we've ironed out the plan! Thanks! :)