Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On Breaking a bad habit.

I know..

I made a promise to myself and to almost everyone close to me that I'd  quit smoking..

I'm sure most of them noticed that I am "slowly" reverting back to my old ways..

I'm seriously trying not to think about it..

But it's hard to break an old habit..

When something has formed part of your routine and when it becomes part of your system for 8 long years..

It's hard to breakaway from it..

I came across an article which talks about how to break an old habit..maybe I should continue reading up on it.

Maybe, quitting smoking also takes technique - not just DISCIPLINE.

I should think of ways on how not to think of a cigarette whenever I see someone smoking..

Maybe I should think of other things to do when I get up in the morning, when I'm in the restroom, during my idle time.. during my short break time and during all those times when I cant think of any other thing to do but smoke.

Other people crave for coffee in the morning...
Other people read magazines when they are all by themselves in the restroom..
Other people sleep during lunchtime in the office..
Other people chat with friends on the phone or in person during their idle time..

All these they do.. when I feel an urge to smoke.

I better find good diversions.

The clock is ticking.

I need to stop now.

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