Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On Planning our Ilocos Trip.

Erick and I are so excited to go to Ilocos. (Saying we're just excited is an understatement!) We are so thrilled to finally put the plan in place. We are still not certain of the dates yet but over the past days, I have started gathering information on itineraries that would be ideal for our upcoming trip. In addition, I have listed contact numbers of prospective/recommended tour guides  from different blogs around the web. I am also currently looking for budget-friendly accomodations and hopefully, everything will be ironed out before the month ends.

I'll definitely give credit to all the bloggers who have given helpful information in materializing this travel experience. Advance gratitude to y'all! ☺

All the DIY Ilocos travel information is indeed helpful! ☺

See you real soon, Ilocos!


Nyx&Lia said...

I did! Thank you! :)

Covnitkepr1 said...

I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
I didn’t see a follow widget on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well.
If you wish, click on “dashboard” on the top right of your main blog…then click on “layout” on the left side of the page, “add a gadget” on the right side column…that takes you to the "basics" list. On the left of that list is a "more Gadgets" option. Click on that one and it's the first option. Says..."FOLLOW"

Nyx&Lia said...

I already did! Thank you! :)

Covnitkepr1 said...

and...thank you as well.